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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Bullivant

The Entrepreneur’s Journey: Understanding "Be-Do-Have" and "Do-Have-Be"


Think of running a business like building a treehouse (yes, stay with me!). There are two ways to go about it: "Do-Have-Be" and "Be-Do-Have"

The "Do-Have-Be" Entrepreneur: The Overworked Builder 

Imagine you’re an entrepreneur who thinks, “If I just keep hammering away (Do), I’ll have the perfect treehouse (Have), and then I’ll finally be the cool treehouse owner (Be).” You work non-stop, thinking success is right around the corner, but when results don’t happen immediately, frustration kicks in. You’re chasing success without thinking about what kind of leader you need to be first. 

It’s like trying to build the treehouse without a blueprint—lots of effort but missing that core vision. 


 The "Be-Do-Have" Entrepreneur: The Visionary Builder 

Now, let's try another approach: "Be-Do-Have." Instead of starting with all that hammering, you take a step back. You decide, “I’m already the kind of person who builds epic treehouses (Be).” With that confidence, you design the treehouse (Do), and eventually, you’ll have the amazing treehouse (Have). The magic? You’re enjoying the process because you know you’re capable from the start. 

This is like building with a clear blueprint—you're efficient, confident, and excited about what’s to come. 

 Which Entrepreneur Will You Be? 

Both entrepreneurs work hard, but here’s the thing: The "Do-Have-Be" builder is always chasing the result, while the "Be-Do-Have" entrepreneur is enjoying the journey. By believing in yourself first, you approach everything with purpose and excitement—and guess what? You’ll probably have a much cooler treehouse (or business). 


If you’re tired of endlessly hammering and ready to embrace your inner architect, let’s chat. I’m here to help you shift to "Be-Do-Have" and build your dream business—without the headaches. 

Book a session with me at, and let’s start building something epic together! 

 The overworked builder and the visionary builder
Understanding "Be-Do-Have" and "Do-Have-Be"



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